God bless you all, we walk by the Spirit and not gratify the desires of the flesh, we walk with the people of God to grow in wisdom and maturity, to where God can dwell with us and we experience what He has in Heaven down here on the earth, God wants to bring your heart healing not hurt, and so choose carefully who you spend your time with, Jesus chose 12 disciples and only brought 3 of them to certain places because he needed someone he could trust, who would be there for Him, who believed and did not doubt, and so we need to choose the same people in our lives, God always has someone who you can look up to to mentor you, and He will give you wisdom and discernment if you’ll ask Him in faith, I feel a strong urge for people to draw closer to the Holy Spirit, to lean into what He is saying within you, because even if you don’t have a person who’s human to help you, you always have the Holy Spirit who Jesus sent down to the earth after He rose from the dead to help you, and be with you forever, you cannot lose Him once you’re saved, He is your eternal friend, call upon His name, and He will make your earthly environment into the atmosphere of Heaven as you keep walking with Him
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