God bless you all, Jesus wants to set up His throne and start to rule and reign in your life, there’s a way to access a supernatural power and peace, when God shows up in His Glory He starts to correct things, when God shows up, things have to change, they cannot stay the same. The Glory of the Lord is increasing on the earth, and God is pouring out His Holy Spirit on all flesh and driving out all fear so the children of God can rise up and walk in power and go out and defeat the enemy and bring souls into the Kingdom, when there’s the Glory of God in a room, healing comes naturally, the power of God is ready to manifest at any one time in a room, each person has at least one Angel and the Spirit of God has a Word for everyone in the room or wherever you go, and so now’s the time to get over ourselves, get rid of our agenda, and jump into the river of God flowing down from the throne room to the earth and up through us bringing us joy that bubbles up from within, and to take on God’s agenda, and start to rule and reign down here as Kings and priests, and trample on serpents and scorpions wherever we go, we’re not just ruling and reigning however, we’re actually to be good stewards of what God has given us, whether people to look after and take care of, or finances or some spiritual gift, God wants us to prove faithful with what He’s given us, whether a word in our spirits or some revelation to share with others, when you get revelation and you obey, it converts to Glory, when you get an impartation of Grace and obey, it converts to authority, God wants us to be children of God taking our authority over the enemy in the Glory, and Jesus words that say if you shall believe, nothing shall be impossible to you, become true in our lives. We want to walk as Jesus’s disciples, in the same power and ministry as Jesus walked on the earth, or even greater, all for the Kingdom of Heaven, God bless you all, be safe today, knowing that the Savior’s heart is for you, and He has given you His Spirit to be with you, whenever you pray in Jesus’ name, Jesus is always with you by His Spirit, and Father will give you His heart when you give Him yours, have a good day serving the Lord in all you do and say
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