God bless you all, Jesus is with the people who are being persecuted in the church, Jesus is not weak, and He’s not working against His own people, He wants to own all of you, even the ground you stand on, the Lord is sovereign, He is mighty in power, He is faithful to deliver His people from affliction, and see them through to the end, His Mighty Holy Spirit is working in and through us to produce a result for the better in everyone’s lives, His Word is true, His promises will come to pass if you will trust in Him, He’s saved you, and now He wants to set you apart, to make you stand out in this corrupt world, only 1/3 of you is actually saved when you become born again, but God wants to own all of you, spirit, soul, and body, you can make it to the 1st, or second, or third Heavens if one or two or all of you is saved, whether you produce 30, 60, or 100 fold fruit as a Christian, as you in Christ and Christ in you, bearing fruit. Our spirits are perfect and born again when we’re saved, but our minds need renewed, they need transformed by the Word and Spirit of God, so we can see, and hear, and understand what’s going on spiritually around us and within us, and who God is, how to walk in His ways, what He’s done for us through Jesus, to have wisdom and discernment, we can’t walk with God if we don’t see first, so we need the Gospel, and the Holy Spirit to give us eyes to see and ears to hear, and hearts to understand, then we can walk, the biggest part of a Christians life isn’t salvation, being born again, it’s actually our walk out with God, learning to walk in His ways, learning to love, doing what Jesus Christ asks us to do, you are going to Heaven, you are prosperous, you are a child of God who is worthy of the Kingdom by the blood of the Lamb, Jesus wants to take your sin and sickness, and give you His perfect righteousness and health, give Him your heart today and always, the Lord is a mighty warrior on your behalf, and He wants the saved to start walking with Him, to help more be saved, to help more through what they’re going through, God bless you
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